As you’d expect from someone registered, accredited and qualified, I have high confidence in reliable, valid and appropriate career assessments and accessing current employment data. However, intuition is also important in figuring out the career issue for each person. There’s no point taking action if we don’t understand the career issue. So, understanding the client’s story is important at each stage from career direction up to high-level interview skills training, and even in writing a client CV.
I think that my ‘career intuition’ is a key strength to figure out the career positives and negatives of my clients. These seem so obvious to my clients when they look back but it takes some session time to uncover them and it often comes as a surprise. They’re particularly surprised about the positive ones! I find using the ‘accredited assessments’ very helpful in giving clients the data to support my analysis of their career strengths.
How we deal with these is important. I tend to manage the negatives and pour effort into the strengths. This may sound unusual but I think that if you can’t build a career on your strengths you certainly can’t build one on your weaknesses!

The Australian Career Passport, available in August
The client story is so important that the career coaching method I’ve chosen to use is the ‘narrative approach’ as taught by RMIT. I’ve also added in other methods over the years as I do a lot of professional development to investigate different approaches. I like to keep contact with other career professionals and am an active member of the Career Development Association of Australia. This is a bit of my career story … but I’m really more interested in hearing yours. Get in touch to tell me.
For a fuller bio and list of qualifications please see my LinkedIn profile.

Award Convenor with writers and career colleagues at the Award presentation 2018