6 Week Career Change

6 Week Career Change

The 6 Week Career Change intensive career program takes you from ‘career novice’ to ‘career expert’ in your career in six weeks. Most progress takes place in the personal sessions with the Career Coach and there are plenty of targeted exercises to do. The 6 Week Career Change develops career insight and career action through accredited career assessment, personal 1-2-1 sessions, self-study, telephone/email contact via Help Desk Support, and Coffee Catch-up to review planning and action.

Your registered, accredited, qualified Career Coach is a professional member of the Career Development Association of Australia and highly experienced in working with people from all occupations and professions in the Melbourne CBD.

The 6 Week Career Change program includes:

Week 1: a 60 minute 1-2-1 to explore your career aims and start the career assessment using a comprehensive Skills Audit and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) or the Strong Interest Inventory.

Week 2: a 60 minute 1-2-1 where to see what the career assessment is saying.

Week 3: the three hour Matrix Method job search program is based on a specific job description for a job you want. It identifies your employability skills, competitive advantages and the comprehensive CV review will optimize for ATS principles. The program presents the employer perspective and how to ‘sell’ into it.

Week 4: an implementation week where you review the job market information, decide on your competitive advantages, re-write your CV, cover letter, LinkedIn profile and job application documents based on the Matrix Method job search program and put into practice the job search strategies that connect you with the employers. You can call the Career Coach at any time during the week … frequent communication is encouraged!

Week 5: a 60 minute Coffee Catch-up to review where you are and check your CV, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, current job applications and anything else that has come up.

Week 6: the final 60 minute Coffee Catch-up. You can do this any time over the next six months. You also may join our Six Week Career Change LinkedIn group where you can ask questions and contribute to career discussions and get ongoing support. The 6 Week Career Change Kit also supports progress.

Help Desk Support – the Career Coach wants to know how you’re going so you can phone/email for up to 60 days on completion of the program after the final Coffee Catch-up.

Session times can be flexible because clients have busy lives balancing their responsibilities. Out of hours meetings and Saturday mornings are available. For more program information please call Lawrence Arnold on 9880 7649 (BH)/0449 746 955 (AH) or email office@careermelbourne.com.

Do nothing … nothing happens. Do something … something happens … we just don’t know what it is yet.

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